Datatables Ajax Pagination Not Working


Thank you for prompt answer. Yeap, I changed to 'legacy' branch of ajax-datatables-rails gem, and everything works fine. I just wonder why my jquery-datatables-rails (most recent) provides me legacy datatables.

Datatables Ajax Pagination Not Working

I checked /assets/dataTables/jquery.dataTables.self-770bf6f5f52c93784a25c3c866719f24d091a3f864c36850a7d338b58bbed52c.js?body=1 (this is from generated HTML source code). And it starts with: /.! DataTables 1.10.6 ©2008-2014 SpryMedia Ltd - So it seems the DataTables are the most recent ones, but they for some reason use old parameter names when communicating to the server. Maybe there is some config option? Or maybe initialization? I do it the following way: jQuery - $('#users').DataTable sPaginationType: 'fullnumbers' bJQueryUI: true bProcessing: true bServerSide: true sAjaxSource: $('#users').data('source'). Hello Antialla, I need to have a increment number in the first column of datatable and using the following code.

I need first column nor to be searchable neither sortable. How can i achieve this? Below is my code class UserDatatable.

Datatables Pagination Not Working

Jun 18, 2019  Hi erum, According to your description and code, I've made a test and it works well on my side. I suggest that you could pay attention to the references of the js and css file.